How To Get A Cuckoo Clock Working

How Get A Cuckoo Clock Working


You may have been wishing to know how to get a cuckoo clock working, right? In this article, I am going to give you some essential insight on how to get your cuckoo clock working. However, there are professionals like Time and Chime who will help you make complex repairs that are beyond your capacity.


Certain things have to be done to increase the lifespan of your cuckoo clock.

  • Occasional dusting is recommended. This should be done using a paint brush in order to avoid your clock being plumb and flush.
  • If it is a clock that has dancers, you are advised to spray the interior with some canned air gently.
  • Do not do anything inside a cuckoo clock, if you are not experienced. Employ the services of a professional.
  • Do not hang your cuckoo clock adjacent to, or over a fireplace. This could melt the oil that greases its mechanism, therefore making the clock to malfunction. 


Many people find it difficult knowing how to get a cuckoo clock working. I am going to give you useful information about cuckoo clocks.

If The Clock Is Right Out of the Box:

To remedy this, you have to:

  • Remove all the packing materials inside the clock, including the clips for the bellows.
  • Make sure the door of the cuckoo bird is not latched shut from the outside.

 If the Clock is Running Too Slow or Fast:

If your cuckoo clock is running too slow or fast, follow the following steps to remedy it, bearing in mind that 1 millimeter of the movement is 10 minutes.

  • If your clock is running slow, your pendulum weight should be moved up.
  • If your clock is running fast, your pendulum should be moved down.
  • After adjustment, leave for 24 hours to confirm whether it has started working properly if not, repeat the process.

How to Make your Clock’s Pendulum to Start Working:

 It is profitable to know how to get a cuckoo clock working. If your pendulum stopped working, there could be several reasons for it, two of which could be that the clock is either not plumb or not flush.

  • If your clock is not flush, it will cause the pendulum to be hitting the chain or case of the clock thereby causing it to stop working.
  • If your clock is not plumb, it will make the pendulum not to tick evenly. This could also make the pendulum to stop.

The above two situations are signs that something is wrong inside the clock and require the services of professionals like Time and Chime who have a wealth of knowledge in this field.

Do not, for whatever reason, try to re-thread the chain of your cuckoo clock as you may risk damaging it permanently. Employ the services of a professional clock master.

 How To Make My Cuckoo Clock Sound

If your cuckoo clock is no longer sounding, resolving it is very simple.

  • Locate the small wire by the door of the cuckoo bird.
  • Move the wire so that the door can open.

Another reason why your clock may not sound could be that the “night shut off” is set at “Of”. Check the sticker that is by the lever for the proper setting.

I believe I’ve been able to give you useful insight on how to get a cuckoo clock working.

If, for whatever reason, you encounter challenges with your cuckoo clock that are beyond your ability, quickly contact еxреrtѕ at Time and Chime for ѕuрроrt.